Caring Group 关怀组
Love one another; you must love you must love one another just as I have loved you. It is by your love for one another, that everyone will recognise you as my disciples. - John 13:34-35 Visitation and delivering Holy Communion to the sick and the elderly, accompany elderlies for church and social activities on a regular basis. Please join us if you are willing to help our brothers and sisters! |
你们应该彼此相爱,如同我爱了你们,你们也该照样彼此相爱,如果你们彼此相亲相爱,世人就能认出你们是我的门徒。 - 若望福音十三34-35 定期抽出时间做家庭访问,探访病人,为不能在主日到教堂参加弥撒的教友送圣礼,陪同老年人定期做灵修及出游等活动。 只要愿意定期为教友服务的教友均可报名。 |